Purpose and Philosophy of Athletics
Purpose and Philosophy of Athletics
The athletic program at Christian Fellowship School is an outgrowth of the academic program. Therefore, its overall purpose is to supplement and enhance the school’s objectives to develop a fully-integrated person . . . one who is spiritually alive, intellectually alert, and physically disciplined.
At Christian Fellowship School, the principles of God’s Word permeate every area of the school. This is especially true of the athletic program because of the unique opportunity it affords to make a lasting impression upon young people, both the shaping of their individual character traits and in the forming of their training to "be" a witness of God's love in all situations -- win or lose.
We recognize that winning is an important goal and that competitive sports produces an atmosphere of great intensity. However, that goal cannot be allowed to become so overriding that Biblical principals are violated or that the control of the Holy Spirit is not evidenced by students, spectators, or staff.
To achieve this delicate balance, we must train our students, and athletes in particular, to think about sports from the Christian perspective rather than man’s perspective.