Dress Code
Dress Code
Christian Fellowship School acknowledges its responsibility to do its part in fulfilling the Biblical injunction to “train up a child in the way he should go” (Proverbs 22:6). From that Biblical requirement, and from experience, it is obvious that a child needs training and direction as they are nurtured into adulthood.
A part of this training necessarily involves guidance in proper dress and attire and the student’s presenting himself or herself in such a way as to reflect Christ.
A dress code is warranted to help train students in that area of their lives. Additionally, a dress code is helpful because a good appearance reflects positively upon students’ grades within a school.
Benefits of a Standardized Dress Code
- Creates a positive disciplined environment in the school
- Frees staff to concentrate on instruction rather than on dress code enforcement
- Assists students in concentrating on academics rather than on clothing
- Eliminates offensive fashions
- Reduces peer pressure
- Reduces financial pressures incurred in buying clothing
- Creates a positive image in the community