CFS uses only curriculum and materials (whether printed, video, audio, personal narrative, or any other media) on the basis of the following criteria:
- Consistency with Biblical precepts and principles
- Godly character development
- Age-appropriateness
- Fulfillment of sound educational objectives
- Social/cultural value of the material
- Other criteria as appropriate
Texts and Materials
Material used in a classroom is by the nature of the setting more easily controlled as to its impact on students. Age-appropriateness and the influence of the teacher gain in importance as evaluative criteria in the selection of this material.
- Preschool – Grade 8: No material will be used, endorsed, or recommended that does not promote Biblical principles and godly character, or that ultimately shows that un-Christian belief, behavior, and/or attitude is wrong.
- Grades 9-12: Limited use of material may be used that is not consistent with Biblical principle and godly character if there is adequate social/cultural value to the material and it promotes greater intellectual development in ways consistent with the mission of Christian Fellowship School.
All curricula and textbooks must closely follow the school's educational philosophy, enhance the school's educational objectives, and not conflict with the school's Statement of Faith.
Use of Supplemental Texts & Tools
Teachers may adapt and supplement their curriculum as needed to fit the needs of their respective students as long as such adaptation and supplementation does not conflict with the school's philosophy and objectives.
Textbooks are only one part of the curriculum. The curriculum will also include the teacher's knowledge, didactic tools, supplementary tools and materials, field trips, discussions, resources, and people invited to the classroom, etc.
Library Collections & Recreational Reading Material
The school’s library will include only those materials that contribute to the goals and/or needs of the school and church and will not stock in the library any material that does not promote Biblical principles and godly character. Books which promote sexual, sadistic, or degrading behavior are rejected. Violence appearing in textbook content shall be treated in context of cause and consequence.
All selections published for use in programs such as the Accelerated Reader program and/or that are promoted such as in a book fair shall be consistent with this policy. Limited exceptions may be made for early childhood stories that are obviously fantasy such as Snow White, Beauty and the Beast, Jack and the Beanstalk, etc. Though these books may contain material that could be objectionable in other settings, they promote the principle that good is superior to evil.