Ongoing Fundraisers
Christian Fellowship School is enrolled in the Boxtops4Education program. We collect boxtops year-round and turn them in for cash. Each General Mills specially marked boxtop is worth 10 cents. Currently, our Boxtops earnings are helping us to maintain and beautify our flower gardens and landscaping projects around our campus. Labels can be sent to school with your student or dropped off in the school office.
Click on the picture above to be directed to the Boxtops4Education website. From there, you enter our school's zip code (42025). Select Christian Fellowship School from the list and follow the prompts to make a difference for our school.
Christian Fellowship School is currently enrolled in the Coke Rewards program. Codes can be found under the lids and inside packaging for most Coca Cola products. Coke points add up quickly. Start saving today for CFS. Click on the picture above to be directed to the Coke Rewards website. Enter the school's zip code (42025) and select CFS from the list. Follow the prompts to learn how you can help CFS collect points in the Coke Rewards program.
Support our school by collecting the Tyson Project A+ product labels in your grocer's freezer section. All participating labels are clearly marked as seen here. Buy Tyson, cut out the labels, and send them to the school. Tyson will give CFS 24 cents per label.
By collecting eligible product barcodes, families at CFS can help our school earn educational merchandise. It’s simple. Clip the UPC barcode or collect the cap and return them to CFS and our school can earn points that are redeemable for educational merchandise.
To learn more about this program, click on the picture above to be directed to the Labels for Education website.